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Leaving The Foster System Behind
Our Grand-Parenting journey began in May of 2017. It’s been a long difficult road, but I’m very happy to say we have successfully navigated the foster system! We no longer have monthly visits, calls, or reports. Our lives once again belong to us!
We adopted two of my three grandchildren this past fall, and I’m very happy to say that they are doing great!
The counseling, trauma therapy, and occupational therapy they received was life-changing for both of them. That alone, knowing that they have a chance to grow up to be a normal part of society, makes the struggles and the heartache seem worth it.
Savannah is now 12 years old. She has graduated from Occupational Therapy and is doing well with trauma therapy, although she still has some struggles with facing the past and prefers to focus on her future.
George is now 7 years old. He is learning how to deal with his anger and stabilizing his behaviors. He recently graduated from the behavioral program at his school and is very proud of himself for not needing any extra classes.
They seem to the outside world to be normal happy kids.
Continued Struggles
Of course, both of them still have daily struggles, but they have learned the tools they need to get through those issues quickly.
They do desperately miss their father and the life they used to have, the good and the bad. Dad has been sentenced to 8 years in federal prison. They currently have no contact.
Mom has gotten out of treatment and is rebuilding her life. The kids see her occasionally, but as she still has no real desire to be part of their daily lives, I’ve limited that contact for now.
We’ve all lost so much.
Healing Will Be Ongoing
Considering the amount of trauma we have all experienced, we don’t expect the pain to disappear quickly. Every day gets a little easier, but I’m not going to tell you that life will ever be completely normal again.
We are getting a little closer to realizing our new normal every day. We are smiling again, laughing, remembering the good times from our old lives, and our future with the knowledge that they will be with us until they are 18. I think it’s easier to settle in once you know for sure your situation is permanent.
This journey hasn’t been easy up to now, and I’m sure we still have some hard times ahead, but now we have the ability to face tough times with more confidence in ourselves.
Jesus has been good to us. Our church has started a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren group. Being around other couples in a similar situation changes everything. Just realizing we aren’t alone in our struggles makes every day a little easier
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